Around the world in an Island Packet
New developments in design and technology aside, circumnavigation is not an easy task. Sailing the world is still far more than just setting the autopilot and enjoying a drink. That’s why it’s important to choose a boat that is DESIGNED and PROVEN for Bluewater cruising success. When you start with the the best hull design, best materials, and best construction processes, it makes the rest of the journey just that much easier to accomplish.
Our top 3 thoughts for success.

Spend as much prep and planning time as possible. Write everything down. Make itemized lists and check them off.

Go with the current and the winds, you’ll stay within the bandwidth of good weather.

Lastly, focus on and pick the right seakind AND seaworthy yacht for your travels. This will increase your comfort and could literally save your life one day.
IP 35 (#70)
Winter 1991 - Fall 1997
Mike & Jill Crew
IP 35 (#02)
Winter 1991 – Summer 1996
Art and Sandy Pond
IP 35 (#058)
Fall 2007 – Spring 2013
“Pacific Star”
Horst and Julia Wolff
IP 35 (#25)
9/30/01 – 4/13/02
Continuous Solo Circumnavigation
Andre Homem de Mello
IP 38 (#10)
Fall 1988 – Summer 1994
“Happy Cs”
Herb and Ruth Crawford
IP 38 (#63)
Winter 1988 – Spring 1993
Tom and Bonnie Menaker
IP 38 (#109)
Fall 2007 – Spring 2013
Jim & Marita Hofferberth
IP 38 (#139)
9/30/01 – 4/13/02
“September Song”
Jim and Diane Carlin
IP 38 (#138)
Winter 2007 – Fall 2013
Bill and Amy Betts
IP 40 (#58)
Spring 1995 – Winter 2011
Rob and Dee Dubin
IP 40 (#61)
Summer 1997 – Fall 1999
Mike & Amy Smith w/children Dani, Jaye & Kegan
IP 45 (#03)
9/30/01 – 4/13/02
“Dream Catcher”
Bruce and Mary Carol Sena
IP 350 (#008)
Winter 2000 – Winter 2008
Henry Holt
IP 380 (#58)
Summer 2004 – Spring 2013
Chuck and Alexis Lynn Evans
IP 420 (#92)
Winter 2019 – Spring 2022
Dan & Marlene Reasoner
IP 465 (#002)
Spring 2010 – Spring 2013
“At Last”
Mark and Janet Gorrell
IP 485 (#016)
Winter 2004 – Winter 2014
Bob and Nancy Bush